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Our Mission

Co-creation for the sustainable development of “MIYAKO”

⇒ SDGs / Decarbonized society, recycle-oriented society, and society in harmony with nature / Post covid-19 resilience

⇒ Kyoto, cities, urban areas, and local communities
⇒ Base, hub, and platform where people, goods, money, and information gather
⇒ History, culture, economy, and society lasting for 1,000 years / Tradition (conservation) and innovation (experiment) / Education and human resources development.



1: We will foster leaders who can solve environmental problems and encourage behavioral change of people, provide opportunities of wide range activities for the citizens, and expand the network of citizens who participate in environmental conservation activities.

2: We will strengthen cooperation and ties (the network and platform) for environmental conservation activities by citizens, businesses, and government, organically connect various entities, and become a hub (base) to produce collaborations.

3: We will carry out our responsibility for creating and disseminating social innovation, in order to study, experiment, and implement the transformation of lifestyles and business styles that are symbiotic with nature and zero emission of GHG and waste.

4: We will disseminate the know-how which we have accumulated (on human resources development and it’s support, providing opportunities for actions, development of software and intangible asset, etc.) and the results of our research, studies and social experiments, through which we will collaborate domestically and internationally with stakeholders.

5: We will continue to work on the above 1 to 4 with an emphasis on viewpoints of Kyoto identity and green recovery while strengthening the organization and finances of KEAA (our association) to be sustainable.